Scripture Reading - John 1:5 WNT – Weymouth New Testament

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it.

We can notice that the first part of this scriptures states, “The Light shines in the darkness” which means darkness is not strong enough to stop its radiance. The good thing about “light” is that it serves multiple purposes, such as helping people to see, removing darkness and keeping darkness away. The source (intention) of light is always to diminish darkness to help those who are trying to see. We (ihlcc) used the term help those who are trying to see because there are some people who want to use the darkness to hide their evil deeds. “Light” can be used to push out darkness when moving towards something but it can also dispel darkness when “light” suddenly comes on the scene. Biblically the word “light” can also describe illumination to the mind like in Ephesians 1:18a where the scripture states “the eyes of your understanding being enlightened”. Another wonderful truth about “light” is that He is more than just a living person He is God. As New Testament believers we know that Jesus is “The Light” of the world speaking from a spiritual standpoint but this influences our natural world too. “The Light’s” influence upon the spiritual and natural things we encounter in this world is totally dependent upon the believer’s use of that “Great Light”. The “Light of God” can effectively remove the darkness of confusion or frustration away from your mind when you choose to believe and think upon God’s Holy Word. The “Light of Christ” always overcomes the works of darkness in oppression or depression when gratitude is expressed in praises and thanks-giving unto our Heavenly Father God and for saving our lives through Jesus Christ. Since the world’s system is known as the pathway of darkness (ultimately hell) we can avoid this pathway and place (destination) by walking in the Light of God’s Love. Just like the light repels darkness in the natural the Lord has shown us (ihlcc) that this applies to His divine protection where we live and wherever we go. We simply thank God that we (our family) is covered by the Blood of Jesus so no evil can penetrate that Blood. In the natural the Blood of Jesus is red to remind us of His Humanity and everything that is a part of humanity upon this earth. Therefore, this red covering is upon our physical body, our mind, our family members, our jobs, our house(s), our cars and all our assets (possessions) because we believe it to be so for divine protection. However, spiritually speaking this Blood of Jesus is total “Light” that removes all shadows (remnants) of darkness. Since “light” is stronger than darkness “The Light” is always greater than all darkness. So when the Child of God decrees that “God’s Light” drives out all darkness they are speaking the truth. This truth is so powerful that God’s Angels harken to this voice of His Word while at the same time demons and evil spirits flee. The reasons this helps the Saint of God is because “The Light” attracts God’s spirits because He is the source of all “Light” while causing all those against God’s goodness to withdraw and shrink back. Remember sin cannot stand in the intense presence of God’s Holy Light because darkness cannot hide in the magnified “Light” of God’s Love. So dear beloved child of God, be wise as serpents by expecting the “light” within you to manifest its power outside of you when believing for supernatural protection but be harmless as a dove when shining this “Great Light” on people who need your (God’s) Love. We are Children of the “Light” so let your “light” shine in the power (strength) of “His Light” upon the earth. Amen!